Onboarding for Postdocs
Useful links:
- Postdoc Union Webpage
- UW postdoc teaching policy
- CoEnv postdoc PI status policy
- UAW 4121 Postdoc PI task force
- Postdoc Diversity Alliance
- How to join the National Postdoctoral Association
- UW Postdoc Contract
- Also includes information on time and leave
- College of the Environment Postdoc Resources
- eScience Institute: hub for data science education and events at UW
- Statistical Consulting through the Departments of Biostatistics and Statistics
- UW Center for Teaching and Learning
- STEP program- Science Teaching Experience for Postdocs
- http://beyondprof.com/ - A resource for exploring career options for PhDs
- Visa Information
Listserves to join:
- College of the Environment Postdoc list: email Anthony Salazar (asalazar@uw.edu) to join
- UW Postdoc Diversity Alliance Listserv twitter = @UWPostdocDA
- UW Postdoctoral Association: email uwpa@uw.edu
- UW Postdoctoral Union Listserve
- UW Postdoctoral Parenting Group: email uwpa-parents@u.washington.edu
- UW Climate Postdocs mailing list
- College of the Environment Diversity
People to meet:
Union steward- differs by appointing unit
Administrator in CoE academic units
- Atmospheric Sciences: Shana Ava
- Oceanography: Monica Cohn
- School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences: Ann Corboy and Katie Effert
- School of Marine and Environmental Affairs: Jackie Chapman and Suanty Kaghan
Events and activities to have on your radar
- Program on Climate Change (PCC) Summer Institute at Friday Harbor Labs, usually the first week of September, fills up fast
- PCC Winter Welcome- probably February
- Postdoc Association has regular happy hours/gatherings
- The union has periodic meetings
- Oceanography events
- Atmospheric Sciences events
- SAFS events
- College of the Environment events
- Oceanography has a happy hour every first Friday
- Atmospheric Sciences has a happy hour every second Friday (usually)
- SAFS has quarterly postdoc luncheons
- SWMS- Society of Women in Marine Science hosts events once per quarter-
- Friday coffee hour 1:30pm at Husky Grind at Mercer Court for post PhD women- ask Sara Sanchez to add you if you are interested
Unsolicited, informal postdoc advice:
- Consider giving a seminar shortly after you arrive to be visible in your department
- Consider starting an unofficial writing retreat or accountability meetings with other postdocs
- Get clarity from your faculty advisor on if you will be writing grant proposals or not
- Consider attending faculty meetings to sit in and observe
- Find out which advisors are willing to train postdocs on writing grants
- Keep an eye out for UW photo day (usually in the summer) where you can get free professional headshots taken
- Find out how to get involved in different committees in your department
- Understand how to enter your leave in Workday
Topics for an initial conversation with your advisor:
- Create a plan for how you will work together and communicate e.g how often will you check in?
- Individual Development Plan- complete this with your advisor
- Safety trainings (lab safety), check with your advisor on what is required
- Be proactive, make sure expectations are very clear, ask for clarification whenever necessary
- Think about how you prefer to work and how you want to structure your time