Onboarding for Student Employees
In addition to information for all new personnel, you can find specific information for Undergraduate Student Employees below:
- Student employees include hourly student assistants, graduate TA/RA, undergrad TA/RA, tutors and reader/graders.
- Undergrad employees, no matter their title, are limited to 19.5 hours/week across all UW employment unless school is on break.
- Grad and undergrad TAs and RAs, tutors and reader/graders receive sick leave and holidays.
- Sick leave
- Holidays
- Requesting use of time off
- How hourlies (UG TA/RA, tutor, reader/grader for instance) enter time
- Timesheet Deadlines
- More info
Undergrad TA Peer Tutoring Training: see Powerpoint.
Student Jobs
Student Academic Employees at the University of Washington are governed by a contract between the University of Washington and UAW. Details of the contract may be found at UAW Academic Student Employees (ASEs) Contract.
The following rates apply for July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025:
- Student assistant $19.97/hour
- Undergraduate research assistant $21.57/hour for new employees and $22.22/hour for students who have been in the position for the year and have performed their duties satisfactorily.
- Undergraduate reader/Grader rate $21.57/hour for new reader/graders and $22.22/hour for reader/graders who have been in the position for the year and have performed their duties satisfactorily.
- Undergraduate teaching assistant and undergraduate teaching helper $21.57/hour for new undergraduate teaching assistants and undergraduate teaching helpers and $22.22/hour for undergraduate teaching assistants and undergraduate teaching helpers who have been in the position for the year and have performed their duties satisfactorily.
The hourly minimum for students may increase as per mandated City of Seattle increases, usually January 1.