As a member of this oceanographic expedition and class, you will be taking part in the installation of the first U.S. high-power and high-bandwidth regional cabled ocean observatory.
Applications are due March 7, 2014
We are looking for undergraduate and graduate students interested in applying for the UW Sea-Going Research and Discovery course (OCEAN 411), which will include a sea-going component from July to October 2014. The VISIONS '14 expedition will take place aboard the 274-foot global-class Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson and will utilize the state-of-the-art underwater robotic vehicle called ROPOS. We will be working at an active submarine volcano and reaching depths of 9000 ft beneath the ocean’s surface.
This class has no prerequisites and is open to all students.
As a member of this oceanographic expedition and class, you will be taking part in the installation of the first U.S. high-power and high-bandwidth regional cabled ocean observatory, which is called the Regional Scale Nodes (RSN). The observatory’s design, installation, and early operations are being led by the University of Washington. The RSN is part of the National Science Foundation’s Ocean Observatories Initiative, which is constructing a network of instruments, undersea-cabled observatories, and instrumented moorings that span the Western Hemisphere. The RSN component will connect state-of-the-art instruments and full water-column moorings to cable networks permanently installed across the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate off the coasts of Washington and Oregon. Course and expedition participants will be part of truly groundbreaking work that is transforming science and exploration in the world’s oceans.
VISIONS'14 will take place July 13 to October 3, 2014. There will be numerous 2- to 3-week legs in which you will be able to participate over the 83-day expedition. The exact dates of each leg will be posted here as soon as possible.
DOWNLOAD application
(Save form to your computer before filling out the application.)
Return completed form to Debbie Kelley (dskelley(at)uw(dot)edu); UW Ocean Teaching Building office #261
Accepted students will register for the University of Washington’s Ocean 411 course with Professors Debbie Kelley and John Delaney.