Ocean Tech Course Image


Ocean Technology is a multidisciplinary field that integrates the complex observational science carried out in the oceans with classical engineering and design disciplines as well as integrating advances in computer science, data storage and digital presentation.   Our Ocean Technology programs span a wide range of applications, from undergraduate education options to innovations in research and development for new exploration.  Technology continues to open new opportunities for our students, staff, and faculty to contribute to the growth of oceanography.


Our Experiential Learning in Ocean Technology curriculum is designed as a 9-credit multi-year sequence of elective courses that allow students to add desirable job-related skills progressively, while sustaining their interest in science and technology over their full academic program.  The cohesive element of this curriculum sequence is student engagement in the design, build, operation, and ongoing maintenance of the ERIS (Exploration and Remote Instrumentation by Students) cabled underwater observatory sensor network at the UW Oceanography Dock.  Beginning with the creation of their own sensors, the learning sequence progresses to collaborative projects, and culminates in project management, leadership, and mentorship of new student contributions to this resource.


Our research and development in ocean observation has led to national recognition in bringing current and future technology into ocean exploration.   Using cabled seafloor technologies, moorings, profilers, AUV’s, and gliders, researchers at the University of Washington gather direct measurements of the changing world’s oceans and provide those data to the community of scientist worldwide.


Our staff provides technical services to academic, government and industry partners.  The knowledge and experience of the staff extends from classic engineering and manufacturing of sensors and equipment through unique and specialized forms of laboratory analysis.  The marine technology provided to ocean going research, new sensor design, as well as experiential learning opportunities for our students creates a broad and diverse service to ocean science.