Sophie Jenness
Name and Pronouns: Sophie Jeness (she/her)
Senior thesis title and description: "Characterizing manganese cycling during estuarine mixing".
I did a mixing experiment using water I collected from the Mississippi River and the Northern Gulf of Mexico to understand how manganese cycles between phases and oxidation states as it is introduced to saltwater.
Most memorable experience as an undergraduate in the School of Oceanography: Working in the Bundy Lab has been one of the most memorable (and valuable!) experiences I've had during my time here as an undergraduate. I've learned so much from everyone in the lab and the projects that I've helped with have also inspired my own research interests.
Favorite class: OCEAN 330: Marine Biogeochemical Cycles was my favorite class. I really enjoyed how we were building on information from different courses and how it all connected and contributed to the cycling of elements in the ocean.
Future plans after graduation: I am taking a gap year during which I will be working as a lab technician in the Bundy Lab, continuing to work on a project on iron-binding ligands in the Amundsen Sea Polynya. I'll also be applying to graduate programs to start in Fall 2025.