Serving Students

Excellence in Ocean Education

My name is Michelle Townsend.  I am the Graduate Program Assistant and Undergradute Academic Adviser in the School of Oceanography.  I grew up in Seattle, attended the UW, received a B.S. in Geological Sciences and a M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.  I have worked at the UW for 23 years and 14 of them have been spent in the School of Oceanography. 

My  role is to support students before, during and after their time here to reach their academic and career goals.   To schedule an appointment, please call or email me, if you would like a specific time. Otherwise, feel free to drop by.

Office: Ocean Teaching Building, Rm 108
Office Hours: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Telephone: (206) 543-5039

Stay connected with what is happening on the Oceanography blog.

Academic Advising at the University of Washington is a core element of the University's focus on student learning. As educators, advisers partner with faculty and the campus community to cultivate our students' intellectual development. As guides and advocates, advisers collaborate with students to craft a transformational educational experience so that they may become informed, articulate and thoughtful students of the University and citizens of the world.