2023 Program Review

Ocean Surface Abstract

"What a long strange trip its been." - The Grateful Dead

Welcome to the School's program review page. 

Each school or department at UW gets a review every 10 years or so.  Ours occurred slowly over the pandemic and our site visit was in February 2023. 

Thank you to all who attened one of our two open meetings to discuss the review and our response.

What is a program review?

A program review occurs here at UW every 10 years or so.  A committee is set up consisting of two UW folk and two oceanographers from elsewhere in the USA. The committee helps us by making recommendations for improvement to our school. The committee’s charge in this review is to assess the quality of the undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the school and to provide its faculty with constructive suggestions for strengthening those programs.  We have an opportunity to ask the committee to address other issues as well.  For this program review, the faculty council recommended in 2021 that we also ask for guidance on infrastructure and faculty stability (number of faculty, types of faculty, inequities, etc).

Here is the link to the official UW page about decadal reviews.  There are several useful documents here including a PDF that describes the process of completing the review and the self-reflection. https://www.grad.washington.edu/for-faculty-and-staff/program-review/

"What a long strange trip its been." - The Grateful Dead