Physical Oceanography Seminar 4/24/24: Isabelle Giddy, Univ. Gothenburg / NASA AMES

Wednesday, April 24, 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM PDT

Presenter: Dr. Isabelle Giddy

Title: A careful interpretation of microstructure observations of dissipation in the ocean surface boundary layer of the Southern Ocean during austral summertime

Location: 123 Marine Science Building

Time: 12:30 PM

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Ocean models that incorporate the current parameterizations of Langmuir Turbulence reduce the shallow bias of the modelled boundary layer during austral summer in the Southern Ocean. We analyse an extensive dataset of microstructure observations of dissipation during austral summer in different regions of the Southern Ocean together with Large Eddy Simulations to build insight into how wind-wave driven Langmuir Circulations and Langmuir Turbulence impact the bulk statistics of observed TKE dissipation.  


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