Ocean Acidification Research Apprenticeship (OCN 492)
University of Washington Friday Harbor Labs, Spring 2013
We are conducting an ocean acidification mesocosm experiment at the UW Friday Harbor Labs in spring quarter as part of a FHL Research Apprenticeship (OCN492). The web + blog site link is below.
About the program:
Students will participate in an ocean acidification mesocosm experiment. The lead instructor is James Murray (UW Ocean). Each student will help with design and conducting the overall sampling but will have their own specific research topic in microbiology (w/ Bob Morris, UW Ocean), phytoplankton (w/Robin Kodner, WWU, Ocean) or zooplankton (w/ Evelyn Lessard, UW Ocean). Students will also learn the chemical basics (calculation and analytical methods) of the ocean carbonate system. There will be class lectures and discussions on the chemical and biological basics of previous mesocosm experiments, including the previous experiment at FHL in April 2012. There will be field trips to the impacted shellfish industry. Guest lectures will provide societal relevance. A final oral and written report will include the methods used, data obtained and what they mean.
For more information about our project, please contact Dr. James W Murray: jmurray@uw.edu
For more information about this website, please contact Kelsey Gaessner: kelsey.gaessner@gmail.com