Amy Larsen

Your name and pronouns:
Amy Larsen she/her

Senior thesis title and brief description:
Role of Aragonite Nucleation Rate and Crystal Morphology in Lateral Skeletal Growth in the Tropical Coral Acropora microphthalma

What was your best memory from the school of Oceanography?
It's a collection of memories from the group of chairs on the 4th floor of OCN. It was one of the first places I really started to miss after online classes started. I have had so many good conversations there with my peers, graduate students and professors.

What was your favorite oceanography class and why?
So hard to choose but I think it would have to be Ocean 330. It was my first introduction to the carbonate system (DIC, ALK, pH). Ocean 521 was my all time favorite but it wasn't an undergrad class so it didn't seem fair to choose.

What has been your go to way to connect to your classmates remotely?
The seniors have set up a weekly Zoom call for those who are able to join. It's been a nice way to get some of the week's hardships off your chest.

Favorite non-ocean body of water?
The Puget Sound!