People: DEI
Currently, I serve on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee for the School of Oceanography. Our committee recognizes that black, indigenous, and people of color are poorly represented in academia and STEM fields, including oceanography. Our committee is trying to improve the recruitment, retention, and support of people of color in oceanography, increase the transparency in decision-making and communication within our school, and begin to tackle systematic changes to improve DEI in our department. There is a lot of work to be done!
I am also serving on the College of the Environment Academic Greivance Committee. Feel free to talk to me about how to report any issues that might arise.
I am currently the chair of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee for the School of Oceanography. Our committee is actively working on improving the recruitment and retention of black, indigenous, and people of color in our school. Our main areas of focus are on revising the admission criteria for graduate admissions, creating a handbook for hiring, and creating a supportive environment for our students, faculty and staff.
I have been working for the past 10 years on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the College of the Environment and the School of Oceanography. I currently serve as the Communications Manager for the school's diversity, equity, and inclusion committee. We currently face a lack of representation from black, indigenous and other groups of color within the School of Oceanography. I have been working to improve the transparency of the decision making processes within the school as well as working towards the recruitment of highly skilled underrepresented scientists to our community.
I have been on our DEI committee since it's inception. I feel strongly that our communitee is only as strong as it's diversity. We must continue to bring all voices to the table when solving humanities most pressing issue, Climate Change.
Currently I’m a member of the Applied Physics Laboratory Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Group. My DEI interests include data-driven approaches to changing our systems of higher education and our broader community.