LuAnne Thompson

LuAnne Thompson


Physical Oceanography



Ocean climate variability and change

With graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, we use observations, idealized models, and global climate model output to explore what role that ocean plays in ocean climate variability and change.  Topics include exploring how paleo observations constrain the ocean ciruclation of the past, using satellite sea surface height to explore air-sea interaction and predictability, and biogeochemical variability on interannual time scales.  

LuAnne Thompson

LuAnne Thompson


Physical Oceanography



Ocean climate variability and change

With graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, we use observations, idealized models, and global climate model output to explore what role that ocean plays in ocean climate variability and change.  Topics include exploring how paleo observations constrain the ocean ciruclation of the past, using satellite sea surface height to explore air-sea interaction and predictability, and biogeochemical variability on interannual time scales.