Laura Crews

Laura Crews

Graduate Student

Physical Oceanography


I am a Ph.D. candidate in phyiscal oceanography working on upper-ocean processes and air-ice-ocean interaction in the Arctic. I am studying a series of winter storms to understand how sea ice properties and dynamics impact inertial oscillation development and internal wave generation. I am also interested in how lateral variability in mixed layer properties feeds back into sea ice growth and behavior. My approach combines observations from moorings and autonomous vehicles with remote sensing and 1-D mixed layer models

I have my B.S. in Environmental Systems Engineering from Stanford, M.S. in Applied Mathemematics from UW , and M.S. in Oceanography from UW. 

Laura Crews

Laura Crews

Graduate Student

Physical Oceanography


I am a Ph.D. candidate in phyiscal oceanography working on upper-ocean processes and air-ice-ocean interaction in the Arctic. I am studying a series of winter storms to understand how sea ice properties and dynamics impact inertial oscillation development and internal wave generation. I am also interested in how lateral variability in mixed layer properties feeds back into sea ice growth and behavior. My approach combines observations from moorings and autonomous vehicles with remote sensing and 1-D mixed layer models

I have my B.S. in Environmental Systems Engineering from Stanford, M.S. in Applied Mathemematics from UW , and M.S. in Oceanography from UW.