570 Marine Microbial Interactions

Together, in seminar-discussion mode, we will explore physical, chemical and biological aspects of how marine microbes interact with each other and with higher orgainsms when environmental conditions change, and particularly when those conditions become stressful or limiting. Recurring themes will be the role of evolution, ecological theory, and hypothesis development in advancing our understanding of specific topics. The instructor will provide an introductory overview of microbial interactions in the ocean and these recurring themes; together we will choose the specific topics to be addressed during the course. A one-hour gathering each week will be instructor-led, providing historical and current perspectives on the topic of the week, with open discussion (where attendance and participation earn a student 1-credit), Other gatherings each week will be student-led and involve a class presentation on the topic, class discussion of a key paper assigned in advance, and an annotated bibliography on the topic )where attendance and participation earn a student 3 credits). The overall goal is to emerge with an interdisciplinary understanding of what explains and what limits microbial interactions in marine settings, complete with a set of annotated references on key topics.