Ocean Technology Program

Ocean Tech aprons


Oceanography is increasingly dependent on technological advances to observe oceanographic processes and changes. The Ocean Technology Program provides experiential learning opportunities where students develop skills and knowledge integrated across fields of ocean science, engineering, and computer science. This program enables students to be creative in addressing how the design, construction, and use of instruments can help address the pressing oceanographic questions of our time. 

Goals of the Program:

To provide experiential education that enables students to develop technical skills and conceptual understanding within a scientific context. Students will:

  • Gain experience with and apply technical principles of various ocean technologies
  • Create real-world and interdisciplinary connections and applications
  • Emphasize problem solving and critical thinking

To focus on skill-building needed for careers in oceanography and beyond. Skill competencies that students will develop include: 

  • Technical skills (coding, circuit building, 3D design, troubleshooting)
  • Analytical skills (hypothesis-testing, data visualization and analysis)
  • Practical skills (instrument use, power tools, electrical tools)
  • Communication skills (written, oral, technical and scientific documentation)
  • Collaboration skills (teamwork, leadership, project management)

Pathway through the program:

Students interested in ocean technology can take the the course sequence outlined below. These courses can be taken in one year or spaced out throughout a student's undergraduate career

  • In Autumn quarter, Ocean 161 (Introduction to Environmental Monitoring and Technology) introduces students to the broad variety of tools and techniques used to observe the ocean and surrounding environment.
  • In Winter quarter, Ocean 351 (Fundamentals of Ocean Sensors) introduces students to how ocean sensors work and provides interactive experiences for students to build sensors to measure a variety of different environmental variables.
  • In Spring quarter, Ocean 261/ Ocean 361/ Ocean 461 is a project-based studio course where students continue to apply knowledge and skills developed in earlier courses to design and build underwater sensors in small groups.
  • All quarters throughout the academic year students can register for Ocean 462, a studio course in which they can participate in mentored group projects, the Student Seaglider Center, the ERIS observatory, or independent work. 


For more information contact, Sasha Seroy (sseroy@uw.edu).