Students present their work conducted off Mexico over Spring Break
During March 16-27, 2012, our seniors headed to the eastern tropical north Pacific off of the coast of Mexico on the R/V Thomas G. Thompson. Each student worked on a project that is part of a two-quarter course (Ocean 443/444) in which students design, carry out, analyze and present the results of an original oceanographic research project. These projects range from biology to chemistry to physics and to geology.
They presented their work in a symposium, held June 5 and June 7 .
- Will Kammin - Coastal Upwelling of Magdalena Bay, Mexico, in a La Niña year
- Matt Rivers - What is the geostrophic current structure at the entrance to the Gulf of California?
- Eric Engel - Remote Sensing: Significance of PAR & the Significance of Space
- Chloe Anderson - Reconstructing paleoceanographic oxygen conditions in the Soledad Basin, Mexico
- Amanda Hacking - Scaling response of a canyon-incised shelf break
- Liz Weidner - Investigating Changes in Channel Complexity Across the Coastal Zone
- Erika Fee - Extent of the OMZ in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
- Miles Carl - Expanse of the oxygen minimum zone and denitrification of the eastern tropical north Pacific
- Abi MacMillan - N* variation within the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
- Sara Geurtsen - Bacterial distribution and abundance with emphasis on denitrifiers in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific (ETNP) Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ)
- Martha James - Zooplankton diversity, abundance, and species composition across an oxygen gradient in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
- Sun-Li Beatteay - Vertical Distribution of Jellyfish in the Eastern Tropical Northern Pacific
- Kim Swanson - Historical sea level and accommodation spaces along Baja California
- Logan Spencer - Observational study of the California Undercurrent in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific.
- Annie Thomson - Distribution of anammox bacteria in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
- Matthew Knight - The introduction and dissemination of pathogenic bacteria in the Pacific coastal waters of southern California and Mexico
- Matt Bessee - Assessment of nitrogen removal trends in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific using 15N labeling experiments
- Greg Ikeda - Comparative examination of processes affecting the marine Nitrogen cycle of the ETNP
- Melissa Brodland - Ocean acidification in the Eastern TropicalNorth Pacific
- Veronica Tamsitt - Nitrous oxide in the Eastern tropical North Pacific
- Kira Homola - Effects of Marine Channel Morphology on Sediment Depositional Characteristics
- Catherine Wardell - Defining the Characteristics of Active Spreading Centers
- George Roth - Relating tectonic spreading rate to crustal roughness across a tectonic triple junction using high- resolution multibeam sonar
Casey Hearn - Propagated Ridge Structure and Faulting as a Control on Sediment Accumulation