Service Topics
Instructions for Ocean Graduate Student Semi-annual Review
- Students should schedule and have their committee meetings by the end of November (fall quarter) and the end of May (spring quarter).
- After their committee meeting, students should write up their committee meeting summary using the student template. Students should send their summary to their advisor at least 24h prior to their option’s Curricular Group (CG) meeting. The advisor will upload them to a faculty google folder for their CG review. A copy should also be sent to the Graduate Program Advisor (Michelle Townsend) who will add it to their student folder.
- Faculty read each student summary prior to their CG meeting. At the meeting, the student’s advisor discusses the student’s course work, summarizes their research, accomplishments (both research and outreach), awards, problems or changes to scope of research, and goals/milestones to meet before the next review. All faculty (particularly committee members) at the meeting provide feedback (e.g. point out accomplishments that the advisor may have missed) as well as advice and guidance in mentorship.
- During the meeting, the faculty review template for each student is projected on a screen and a scribe fills in the review. The scribe takes notes under each heading and the advisor (or co-advisors) uses those notes to complete the CG review within two weeks of the meeting.
- Each student’s funding sources and TA needs should be considered. This information is needed for school-wide planning.
- The reviews will be available in a shared folder for two weeks following the meeting for all faculty within the CG to review and modify as needed.
- After approval by the faculty (within two weeks after the CG meeting), the folder link is sent to Michelle Townsend and she sends each student their review and places it in their file. Each advisor (or co-advisors) is expected to meet with their student to discuss their review.
I am the academic adviser for prospective, current and graduated oceanography undergraduate and graduate students and the department's time schedule coordinator.