Graduate Application Mentorship Program
GAMP is a new Graduate Application Mentorship program started by graduate students!
This program matches current graduate students with those who are thinking of applying to the School of Oceanography. Prospective students can ask current students questions and receive advice during their application process. The goal is to demystify confusing and intimidating parts of applying to graduate school.
The program started last year and has completed one cycle of mentorship!
The first meeting talks about basics such as funding, how to find a potential advisor, and the application process. There are at least two more meetings that are focused on addressing any other questions or concerns the mentee may have.
This program is advertised to any prospective student looking to apply to the University of Washington School of Oceanography or any current undergraduate student in the School of Oceanography thinking about applying to an Oceanography graduate program here or elsewhere.
There were a total of thirty-nine prospective students in the program in 2021/2022. Two students that participated were accepted to UW! Those who participated say it improved their confidence in their application.
Thirty-five graduate students volunteered to help. So there is a full graduate student effort!
We are excited to continue this program for a second year!
To learn more about specific dates and how to apply visit the GAMP webpage!